Feb 20th, 2009 by Jim Gibbons
Hello! I’m Jim Gibbons. I’m a comic book professional, a beer lover, a mustache grower, and a hirsute raconteur. You can read more about that on my other blog, my twitter, and my tumblr.
Many aspects of who I am were fashioned during ten summers of camp life—seven at Camp Shewahmegon in Drummond, WI (five as a camper and two years on staff) and three as a counselor at Banner Day Camp in Lake Forest, IL.
And, more entertainingly, most of my best stories and happiest memories come from the time I spent at summer camp.
This site was created as an effort to put every tale, memory, and creative impulse stirred forth from those summers out into the world in hopes of encouraging the continuation of camping friendships strong and deep—be it from relaying personal experiences and relationships or as a reminder of those happy times for anyone anywhere who had joy brought into their life by a summer at camp.

Jim Gibbons at Camp Shewahmegon in 2001.
(And hey! Even if you never went to camp and you just have an inexplicable love for it, well you’re welcome here too!)
hey, jim,
keep it up. i’m linking u to my fb.